E-motion is energy in motion, is the energy we experience through our bodies. Experiencing emotions like peace, joy, love, reason, acceptance, courage, sadness,anger, fear, apathy,  guilt, shame, hope, and many other emotions create feelings of expansion and calmness or contraction and tension. These feelings happen because each one of those emotions has a specific vibration. Dr. David Hawkins found that emotions have measurable energy. For example, peace has a frequency of 600 Hz (hertz), love has 500 Hz, fear has 100 HZ, and shame is the lowest frequency with 20 Hz. 

We have a powerful quantic mind with thoughts and emotions. Thoughts generate an electrical signal and send it to the quantum field. Emotions help us progress and teach us how to expand. Thus, our thoughts and emotions would have the power to “magnetically attract” circumstances in life. The higher the vibrational frequency of our thoughts and emotion, the higher the chances of connecting with all the possible electromagnetic footprints (of wealth, freedom, health, love…) that exist as an energy frequency pattern.

Sometimes it feels that we are struggling and do not know what is going on. Even though you work hard and have achieved some of the goals you had in your mind, you still feel like something is missing, you are not happy, and this could apply to any aspect in your life. 

We have up to 60,000 thoughts a day, and unfortunately, 90% of them are negative or the same thoughts that you had the day before. Just like neuroscience explains, "neurons that fire together wire together." Every time we repetitively do something, it creates a strong connection in our brains. Do you want to build more robust negative thoughts and empower emotions of lack, pain, and frustration? Are you sick (mentally, physically, or emotionally) and continuously think about how bad you feel? Do you feel trapped and do not see the end of your suffering? Or are you ready to create the life you desire? 

The symptoms or experiences that you are suffering are a consequence of weeks, months, or years of wiring and firing in your brain and body. They are only the tip of the iceberg, and we need to get to the root of the problem to change and transform our experiences. 

The goal is to strive for happiness, a pain-free, and successful life. It is the moment in time to get rid of those limiting beliefs that are engrained in your brain and show the world the powerful human being you are. Please pay attention to your thoughts and your emotions; they have valuable information that contains the answers to your current condition. Doing an introspective evaluation is crucial. Ask yourself the next questions: Do I feel emotionally expanded or contracted? Am I having a Mid-Life crisis? What are my stress and anxiety levels? Do I have pandemic fear? What is causing these emotions? Why is my health not where it needs to be? 

Answering those questions will give you an idea of what the level of your vibrational frequency is. Deepak Chopra says that higher levels of consciousness and energy can improve healing. Looking at your body and mind through the quantum lens, we see that we have infinite possibilities. There is a collective need to be more aware of our thoughts in our conscious state and dig deeper into our subconscious programming. 

Dr. Bruce Lipton says that children up to age six or seven are highly programmable, and the information received is not filtered. They are not consciously ready to evaluate the message received. Criticism from authoritative figures can mark the future of the child. For example, parents that criticize the child in their effort to help can be condemning the child to feel unworthy. A subconscious program of "I am not good enough" or "I am not loved" starts. 

In the process of evaluating your current situation, look back at the thoughts and emotions around it. The first question you need to ask yourself is: Are you 100% sure of what it is that you want in life? An excellent way to start transforming your life is to create clear goals in all areas of your life: your values, your profession/career, family and relationships, health and wellness, and everything you want to learn, experience, grow and contribute.

Start writing them, be very specific, lots of details, use positive words, set some timelines. Start feeling the emotion of your dreams. Visualize them as if you were experiencing them now. Instead of concentrating on your pain (physical or emotional), focus on the positive things that happened to you this week. Remember, you want to prune those connections from the past that took you to where you are now. 

It will help if you start rewiring those neurons and reprogramming those limiting beliefs. Identifying what you need to work on is the first step is awareness, the second step is acknowledgment, and the third one action. Since you are not only dealing with conscious emotions but also with subconscious programming, start studying your emotions. The journey is not going to be easy, but it would be worth your efforts. 

The question is not, "Are you worthy enough to reach your goals?" The question is, "Are your goals worthy enough of you?"— Bob Proctor


Emotions & Diseases - How You Can Heal Your Life
