Fear and Love are two opposite powerful vibrations. When we experience fear, we withdraw from life. When we are in Love, we open our hearts and see life with endless possibilities, passion, and happiness.

Our bodies can deal with immediate stressful situations through the "fight or flight" response. However, the long-lasting experience of emotions of fear and stress are the root causes of blocked energy and disease.

Fear is a limiting belief, and it is our natural emotional response created by our thoughts. Love, on the other hand, originates in the heart. According to Neuroscientists, 95% of our thoughts, beliefs, and actions are subconscious. Our unconscious mind, our gut instincts, and how we feel in our heart, process information faster than our analytical mind. Let's use our 5% of the conscious mind to become aware of our behaviours, beliefs, or judgments that are sabotaging us to achieve what we desire.

Follow these 5 steps to Transform Fear and Stress into Love

Follow these 5 steps to Transform Fear and Stress into Love:

1. Self-Love:

It is an essential element for a happy and fulfilling life. Psychology studies demonstrate that self-love and -compassion are crucial for mental health and well-being. The lengthiest and most important relationship you will have is with yourself.  Are you your best friend or your harshest critic? Have fun with yourself, start a gratitude journal, give yourself a break, end all toxic relationships, celebrate your accomplishments, and love your body.

Remember to laugh, research shows that active and intentional smile 10 minutes a day in front of a mirror will change your emotional state. 

Be present, observe your emotions of fear and stress when they arise without judgment.

2.  Mindfulness: 

Be present, observe your emotions of fear and stress when they arise without judgment. Pause, take at least a couple of deep breaths and change those negative thoughts with positive ones by expanding the feeling of Love, appreciation, and gratitude. Focus on what you want to attract! Spend more time with positive people, listen to positive sources of information, and practice meaningful activities that make you happy. Since our environment influences our reality, and we can't control all that surrounds us, it is time to control what goes on inside of us. When you are in balance, you are healthier, less stressed, and happier.

Heart and brain coherence

3. Heart and brain coherence: 

The messages sent from the heart to the brain can regulate our emotional experience. To increase this coherence, practice intentional positive emotions. Choose Love over Fear. Adding value and positivity to someone else's life can release oxytocin, which boosts your mood and reduces the effects of cortisol (the dreaded stress hormone).

Practice a Heart focused Meditation: Sit quietly and start slow breathing. Concentrate on your physical heart and energy of your heart. 

5. Technology: 

HeartMath Institute has multiple options that help you balance your emotions and achieve heart-brain coherence. Select either Inner Balance or the handheld emWave2 devices according to your goals.


4. Nutrition and Exercise:

There is evidence that changing your diet can change your metabolism and brain chemistry, ultimately affecting your energy level and mood. The following are examples of foods that improve your mood: blueberries, blackberries, lentils, beans, pumpkin seeds, black sesame seeds, walnuts, eggs, millet, and green leafy vegetables sea salt, miso, and tamari.

Exercise increases serotonin that helps your brain regulate the mood and also increases endorphins that are mood lifters.

Healy device has the following programs that can help to balance and to improve your emotional state: On the Gold cycle, Being. On the Learning page use: Stress systemic for mental balancing and for bioenergetic stimulation of creative power, Stress Acute program can support mood improvement. You can also use Positive Thoughts and Mental balanceprograms as well as the Heart chakra program.

It is time to raise our awareness and move from a fear-based consciousness to a love-based consciousness.

"Don't forget to Laugh and Move your body."


